Swimming pools and baths
An indoor swimming pool, 6 baths and saunas, an outdoor Jacuzzi, Japanese bathtubs, contrast footbaths, bucket-waterfall.
Aqua zone is open:
- Tue from 03:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.
- other days from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
Please book in advance!

Swimming pool
123 m2 with clear blue water which will relax or cheer you up – depending on what you need at the moment.
Comfortable temperature of 24-26 °С. Hydromassage area and a waterfall. Panoramic windows overlooking the landscaped park, comfortable sun loungers along the bank and the interior of the Wellness bar designed in bright colors.

Outdoor Jacuzzi
Better than just a Jacuzzi. Gentle but efficient air massage and the possibility to contemplate the far and endless sky.
Peace for the mind, pleasure for the body. Temperature 32-34 °С. May be used by 8 persons at a time.

Hammam relaxes the muscles, has a physiotherapeutic effect on the whole body and improves the appearance of the skin.
The steam room has the conditions in which you can stay for a rather long time. A large stone bench in the middle of the Hammam warms the body thoroughly and invites to take a massage session.
Book the procedure “Hammam Ritual” and we will close the steam room for the customized service. We recommend making your reservation in advance.
- Temperature 35-45 °С
- Humidity 80-85%

Roman steam room
The bath with the highest relative humidity — up to 100%.
The skin gets a healthy color and matte shine, becomes velvety to the touch. The thick steam embraces the body and gently warms it. All muscles gradually relax, vigor and physical efficiency is restored.
The duration of the procedure is individual, usually it is 10-15 minutes.
- Temperature 45-50 °С
- Humidity 95-100%

Tyrolean sauna
Under the influence of hot dry air, the body is warmed slowly, blood circulation is improved and metabolism activated.
We use an electric furnace and “Tyrolean Cedar” aroma. The steam room is trimmed with natural wood.
- Temperature: 65-80 °С
- Humidity: 50-70%

Finnish sauna
Owing to dry air, the temperature in the sauna may be raised up to 90-100 °С. A very low humidity level helps withstand strong heat.
Safety rules in the steam room:
- before visiting the steam room please take a shower and dry yourself thoroughly to prevent burns.
- it is recommended to limit the duration of the first stay in the steam room to 5 minutes for untrained persons, and up to 10 minutes if you are trained.
When in the steam room, please breathe only through the mouth and try not to talk because the hot air can burn the nasal mucosa. Watch your health. If you feel the slightest dizziness or noise in the ears, leave the steam room and have some rest on a sun lounger or in the pool.
- Temperature: 85-100 °С
- Humidity: 5-20%

Infrared sauna
Infrared waves are natural waves, they create a natural heating effect which is good for the heart and blood vessels, activates the nervous system and improves mental and physical activity.
Infrared waves can penetrate the human body to a depth of up to 4 cm. The session will not take much of your time. Persons of all ages may use infrared saunas.

Aroma sauna
It is used for therapeutic purposes, and also for pleasant pastime, communication and physical rehabilitation.
The steam generator delivers moderate steam and the aroma is dispensed by an electronically controlled device. The duration of the procedure is individual, usually it is 10-15 minutes. We use the following aromas: “Alpine herbs”, “Summer lily of the valley”, “Lavender”, “Mint and eucalyptus”.
For a beneficial effect of aromatic oils on the respiratory system, please breathe calmly and evenly through the nose. Make a breathing cycle: a calm breath through the nose for 4-5 seconds, then a short breathing stop – a pause for 3-4 seconds, then a calm and relaxed exhale for 2-3 seconds. This exercise has the best effect if made lying or reclining.
- Temperature 40-45 °С
- Humidity 70-80%

Salt room
The air in the salt room is saturated with salt ions and has an anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, improves and restores blood circulation, promotes collagen regeneration, stimulates cell growth and improves general metabolism of the body. Тhe service is provided for an additional payment.
It is recommended to visit the salt room:
- in case of acute and chronic respiratory diseases;
- in case of smoker’s cough;
- to prevent cold-related diseases and flu;
- in case of skin problems.
- The prophylactic course consists of 10-20 procedures of 30 to 60 minutes.
The effect of a 30-minute session is the same as a few hours of sound sleep in the fresh air. The wholesome microclimate of the salt room has a healing and rejuvenating effect, strengthens the nervous system, and fills your body with powerful energy.

Ofuro Japanese bathtubs
Japanese bathtubs can bring many positive feelings and help improve physical health.
Three bathtubs facility:
- Japanese bathtub №1 – temperature +10+12оС;
- Japanese bathtub №2 – temperature +34+36оС;
- Japanese bathtub №3 – temperature +40+42оС.
During the time spent in the Japanese bathtub, the bather through perspiration loses from a half to one liter of liquid containing a large quantity of salts and other substances unnecessary and harmful to the body. Besides, this procedure improves blood circulation and strengthens the cardiovascular system.
The Japanese bathtub procedure relieves rheumatic pains and normalizes body metabolism. Regular procedures in Japanese bathtubs significantly reduce the risk of cold-related diseases. Under the influence of a rather high temperature, waste matter and toxins are discharged from the body through pores and the skin becomes smooth and firm.
Japanese bathtubs are used by sportsmen for relaxation, rest and recuperation.

Kneipp contrast footbaths
Temperature: from +10+12оС to +36+40оС.
The classical Kneipp Footbaths consist of alternating reservoirs with cold and hot water. The Kneipp method is based on alternating effects of hot and cold water which boost the immune functions of the body.
When you walk, your blood circulation becomes faster making the metabolism processes more intensive and at the same time purifying the body and making the heart and vessel walls stronger. Active blood stream brings more oxygen to cells of the body and thus their regeneration is improved and ageing processes are slowed down. The therapeutic Kneipp footbaths are an easy and rejuvenating water procedure.
While helping to restore physical health, the Kneipp footbaths also help achieve emotional balance taking away overstrain, exhaustion, increased nervousness and even depression.
No contraindications are known!

Contraindications include generalized atherosclerosis, especially brain vessel atherosclerosis, pronounced cardiovascular inefficiency, hypertensive disease (general contraindications for any thermal hydrotherapy course).