Club cards and passes
To join the club of healthy, active and happy people, just buy a club card or pass. At your service: gym, group training and the aqua zone of the best Ukrainian Wellness & SPA.
Club cards for 12 months
One card will give you a wide range of the Club’s services for the whole year: gym, personal training, group training, access to a swimming pool, baths and saunas.

Club cards for 6 months
To increase your energy, enjoy the feeling of being fit physically and psychologically, it is enough to include sports into your weekly schedule. With the card for six months, at your service: gym, personal training, group training, access to a swimming pool, baths and saunas.

Pass for a month
If you don’t feel like planning for a long time ahead in advance, passes for 1 month will be the best solution for you. You will appreciate the professionalism, sensitivity and charm of our trainers and feel how your mood changes after the training. Gym, personal training or group training – choose whatever is better for you.

Однодневный визит
Гостевой визит одного дня включает неограниченное посещение аквазоны: крытый бассейн, шесть бань и саун, джакузи на открытом воздухе, – а также тренажерного зала и групповых занятий по расписанию. Проведите этот день с максимальной пользой для своего здоровья и настроения.